Monday, April 9, 2012


This first installment of He/She is [...]: LET’S COLOUR colouring book series, He/She is Dead: LET’S COLOUR! began in the Fall of 2010 as a couple of sketches. This publication which you see today was completed in 2012. My inspiration for the project sprouted out of the act of story-telling and it’s power to change the way one sees the world. I asks, what can we take from other cultures and communities to improve our own outlook on life, and in this case, death?

With this one-of-a-kind colouring book, a creative person of any age can explore the collective experience of honouring our loved ones when they die. If we put ourselves into a gentle situation, like colouring the pages of this book, we may be less frightened or denying of death. He/She is Dead: LET’S COLOUR! will bring the owner of this book joy and a meditative moment to study the different ways in which we can celebrate and honour life.

This perfect-bound book consists of 29 pages of digitally printed, black and white images. The book’s covers are a 100lb Productolith gloss and it’s content is printed onto a 60lb paper to allow the colourer to use any type of drawing tool desired without colour bleeding onto the next image. Each image within the book is hand-drawn by myself, and labeled to indicate what and where the depicted shrine or memorial is. This installment of the He/She is series consists of 50 editions. Five within the 50 editions are packaged with a charming box of Mexican mini pencil crayons, intended for immediate use. The He/She series is anticipated to be produced annually.

If you would like to see a copy in the flesh, or inquire about the pricing and ordering of this limited edition colouring book, please contact by phone or email:
1.604.219.0956 / 1.604.254.9433

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